Back at the beginning of the year when I was asked whether I'd like to get involved either by exhibiting or helping organise, I didn't realise quite how much I was inadvertently taking on!
The idea was to invite local people to submit photographs on a theme and put up an exhibition in the Kirkgate Centre, Shipley: take the art out of galleries and into people's everyday lives sort of approach.
Easy!....? No quite so.
As you can see, one of the challenges is that it's not a place designed to be, nor dedicated to being, a gallery, so we had to work around oddly shaped spaces, trunking, doors and other uses of the hall.
However, what is really nice is that all manner of people use the centre for so many different purposes and this is the backdrop to whatever else they are doing, just as a picture on the wall at home would be.
Organising this has been a very steep learning curve and a self-taught intensive training course in curating, management, advertising & use of social media.
Once I'd realised that the reason I wasn't involved was not that I wasn't part of the inner core, but that there was no inner core, I decided to just take hold of what had been started and make something of it.
Let's say it hasn't been perfectly organised, but we did it. And it was a very small we!
Once I'd realised that the reason I wasn't involved was not that I wasn't part of the inner core, but that there was no inner core, I decided to just take hold of what had been started and make something of it.
Let's say it hasn't been perfectly organised, but we did it. And it was a very small we!
Fourteen photographers are exhibiting with wide-ranging styles & subject matter. My photos are from the Nazca lines in Peru (Earth from Air) and on the Salt Plains of Uyuni, Bolivia (Sun, Salt & Water), both amazingly surreal places.
The Wide Angle exhibition is on until October at Kirkgate Centre, 39a Kirkgate, Shipley, W.Yorks, BD18 3EH. Tel 01274 580186
It's generally open weekdays 09.30 - 15.30 but is also open at other times when the building is in use, so if you're making a special trip, it's best to phone beforehand. Alternatively, check out their website and combine the exhibition with one of the amazing mixture of things that go on there.